Fabiana Walsh
Acrylic and Oil Paintings
At her Calming Seasons Art Studio in Ossipee, New Hampshire, Fabiana Walsh enjoys painting with acrylics, and oils. Her work is influenced by her travels. Throughout her life she was fortunate enough to travel the world, and through these beautiful and interesting places she developed a unique living experience. During her travels she kept those beautiful landscapes in her mind, and those memories are now reflected in her paintings.
Fabiana has been painting since an early age, developing her technique over time, and finding inspiration everywhere, including her current home near the White Mountains and the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. Her paintings are perfectly complemented with antique barnwood frames made by her husband, who restores historic barns and homes throughout New England.
Fabiana has shown her work both locally and around the world in such diverse venues as: World Art Dubai, Art Paris Expo Versailles, Art Expo New York at Pier 94, Art Basel Miami, and Boston International Fine Art Show. Fabiana paints to bring calmness to the eyes, peace to the heart, and fulfillment to the soul.