Greg Sobran
Oil Paintings
Greg Sobran is a well-established painter whose work is collected both in the United States and abroad. He briefly had a studio gallery here in Apalachicola in the mid-2000's, and during that time, captured many familiar locales around the town.... some remain recognizable to this day, others have changed over the years. Though he does not refer to himself as a "plein air painter," he is most at ease and inspired when capturing subjects on location and in the moment.
Greg has a BFA from Eastern Michigan University, and has been painting professionally as an independent fine artist since 1989. He is accomplished in both watercolor and oil mediums. His style is influenced by the impressionists of the 19th century, yet is quite vivid and contemporary. There is a bit of nostalgia and lightheartedness that comes across in the work that is ultimately his own very distinct and unmistakable style.
He maintains a permanent studio in Ann Arbor, Michigan, but spends most of the year traveling to beautiful places that lend themselves to painting, including South Florida and the Florida Keys, California, the Rocky Mountains, and Europe. Summers are always spent on Northern Lake Michigan, where Greg and his wife have a summer studio and gallery. Last year, he and his wife found their way back to Apalachicola for a visit, and it is a pleasure to have a few of his works here at the gallery.