Judith Surowiec - Isaac Brooks
Oil and Acrylic Paintings - Carved-Painted Cypress
Two very different artists who both thrive on color and complement each other's work beautifully.
Judith Surowiec has been making art with acrylics and colored pencils for over 50 years. A degree in art education from SUNY Buffalo and studies under Joseph Perrin, professor emeritus of Georgia State's School of Art, prepared her to embrace creativity and "be not afraid."
When you see her work, it is clear what that means. Her joyous paintings reflect the years of practice that allow her the freedom to let go. Often her paintings spill over onto their frames, and at times she paints on folded or even crumpled canvas. "In every painting I try to do something I’ve never done before." Her enchanted world is a delight to the eye and a feast of color for the heart and soul.
Judith lives and works in Buford, Georgia. Her studio is located at the Tannery Row Artist Colony, a collective of open working artist studios she helped establish over 20 years ago in a restored early 19th-century tannery building.
Isaac Brooks hand crafts his fantastic universe of birds and sea creatures out of driftwood and fallen cypress located around north central Florida's Santa Fe River not far from his home & studio in the woods. All are carved from one piece of cypress and painted in vibrant colors using a unique process he has developed over time. His artwork is designed to withstand the outdoor elements, but is equally at home indoors -- whether hanging on the wall or floating from the ceiling.